This report provides a weekly calendar view of Assignments or Planned Work Entries for a particular set of projects.
This report is available to users having any of the following roles: Administrator, P&R Administrator, and the following Project Administrators: Project Manager, Project Viewer, Project Lead, Project Approver, or Resource Requestor.
This report is available with the Project Portfolio family of licenses.
Topics covered on this help page include:
Selection Criteria (options available to tailor report output)
Once displayed, the user can navigate to the next or previous week by clicking on the links at the top of the report. The level of detail included on the report is governed by the options included on the selection criteria screen. If hours where included, the hours for specific entries will appear as well as a total number of hours for each day.
The locale of your system will determine the first day of the week that is presented (e.g. Sun --> Sat).
Users can also double click on a row for a particular user and view a more detailed view of that user's week (see example below):